W3.CSS NeXuS WebSite | Commands

Xerox Commands

Number Commands Usage Description
1 autorole x!autorole @role / x!autorole off Automatically assigns a role to people when they join.
2 setwelcome x!setwelcome #channel / x!set welcome off Welcomes a member to the server.
3 kick x!kick @user/id Kicks the member you tag if you're allowed to kick them.
4 clear x!clear number Allows your to delete messages with or without a filter.
5 dog x!dog Posts a random image of a dog.
6 cat x!cat Posts a random image or gif of a cat.
7 ping x!ping Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server.
8 help x!help Shows all commands
9 avatar x!avatar (x!avatar @user) Grabs the profile picture of the user you mention.
10 unban x!unban user ID Unbans a member from your server.
11 warn x!warn @user/id Warns the member you tag with the reason given.
12 setprefix x!setprefix {prefix} sets the command prefix.
13 ban x!ban @user/id Bans the member you tag if you're allowed to ban them.
14 slots x!slots Play round with the slot machine